Killing Your Sweet Breath - Chapter 10
Chapter 5.2
After the burning of Castle Ruhen, he was recruited from various territories. Word of his great achievements in the battle at the frontier had spread, even though it was his first and last mission outside the territory.
However, unable to serve two lords, he remained in the desolate land of Ruhen, helping the remaining residents.
Then he heard that Empress Niello had passed away and that her son, Van, the emperor’s first-born heir, had left the imperial family to become the Duke of Helgram.
When Van left the imperial palace, Ian was certain he would seek revenge against the emperor. So, without a second thought, Ian left for Helgram territory to meet with Van.
“But I have never sworn loyalty to Duke Helgram. He even preferred it that way.”
“Just as a fallen kingdom has no need for a king, what use is a knight to a ruined household? You’re wasting your efforts.”
Her words were harsh, but in truth, she was grateful to him.
For not forgetting Ruhen. For remembering her face. But Winter hid her true feelings behind sharp words, like the thorns of a rose.
There was no reason for him to seek revenge for Ruhen. She wished he would live his own life.
He wasn’t like Winter, whose sole reason for living was revenge.
“To stake your life on revenge, uncertain whether it may succeed or fail… Wouldn’t it be better to seek wealth and honor instead?”
“A knight lives for honor.”
“That’s merely an old saying.”
Chivalry was nothing more than empty words, and oaths of loyalty were temporary. Once a knight’s contract ended, they moved to other territories depending on the salary. Knights were loyal to money, not to their lords.
Ian had said he couldn’t serve two lords, but in reality, there weren’t many knights who remained loyal to one family for life. Winter knew of this, so she held no resentment against the knights of Ruhen who had left the territory.
That’s why she hadn’t expected to see one of Ruhen’s knights when Van promised to show her a familiar face.
Ian spoke once again, and Winter halted in her steps.
“When a knight has a disregard for honor, it means they see no lord suitable for their loyalty. So please don’t say such things. Your father, the duke, was undoubtedly deserving of loyalty.”
Ian continued, only a couple of feet behind her.
“But now that I’ve met his child, you, my lady, I finally found where my loyalty can fully reside.”
A cold gust of wind drifted through the air, although it was strange considering the season. The clouds masked the moon from view, darkening their surroundings.
“I am grateful for your kind words, but revenge is not your burden. Remembering my father is enough, so don’t waste any more time on useless matters. I am not worthy of loyalty.”
“Don’t deny the blood that runs through you just because your family is gone.”
Ian interpreted her statement about not being worthy as a result of her fallen family, but Winter’s words held a different meaning.
“No, allow me to put it bluntly. I intend to live as Winter Helgram, not Ilisias Ruhen.”
Ian’s breath hitched at Winter’s words, and he repeated in a voice that was full of disbelief.
“Winter Helgram… Are you saying that you plan to marry His Grace?”
“Yes. After all, we were engaged.”
“That’s absurd. He’s now…”
“Yes, Van is a madman consumed by revenge, but I plan to join him in his revenge, just as you have done.”
Winter moved closer to the rose vines and plucked a single, red, luscious rose. Unlike the winter roses of Ruhen, its fragile stem snapped easily.
But one of its thorns was sharper than the rest, and as it pierced her skin, droplets of blood fell like crimson petals.
“Are you alright?”
Ian hurried over in a fuss, pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe away the blood on Winter’s finger.
“Why should I refuse when he offers me the gift of revenge?”
The moon chose to emerge from behind the clouds at that moment, casting Winter in a bright light. Her rosy-red hair rippled in the cold wind like undulating waves.
“If I offer to take this revenge on your behalf, will you still refuse?”
“You once told me as my mentor that even a woman should know how to claim what is hers. That’s what revenge is to me. It means nothing if someone else does it for me.”
“That means…”
Ian couldn’t argue because he remembered the conversation well. Who would’ve thought that his words would be used against him like this?
“I’m glad I got to see you again, and if you have no plans to leave, I’ll be looking forward to your support.”
Without sparing him another glance, Winter turned and began to walk away. Ironically, meeting Ian had solidified her resolve.
Perhaps all the words she had spoken to him were actually meant for her. A sort of push in the right direction.
“My lady!”
Ian caught up with quick strides, grabbing hold of Winter’s collar. She hesitated, unsure whether to shrug him off or look over her shoulder.
It wasn’t that she feared her resolve would waver if she faced him. It’s just she didn’t want to hurt Ian with her unyielding expression.
Thankfully, Winter was barely able to avoid the situation thanks to an unexpected person.
“I know this marriage is just for show, but I don’t see how inappropriate rumors with my knight will help our case.”
It was Van, walking alone through the estate.