The Omega Princess and Her Two Leashes - Chapter 80
Chapter 80
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, a haughty smile playing on her lips. This Arlenrose was different from the quiet, reserved princess he’d seen at balls. This was a true alpha. The sight of it reminded Crescent that despite being considered a weak alpha, Arlenrose was still an alpha. And a royal alpha at that, meaning her inherent traits, regardless of pheromones, would be strong.
Possessiveness. It was a desire inherent to all alphas. They were greedy creatures, fiercely possessive of what they considered theirs, regardless of what it was. This understanding allowed Crescent to readily accept Arlenrose’s reason for proposing the alliance, dispelling any suspicion that she might be on Camin’s side. The princess wanted to keep her knight. He wanted to become the next Duke Modreo.
To achieve both, Camin Modreo had to remain a knight, unable to gain any further accolades. Different goals, same method. A perfectly aligned partnership. More than anything, Arlenrose had said… “Camin Modreo is far from qualified to be the next Duke Modreo. Being my knight suits him perfectly. Everyone overestimates him and underestimates you, but I know the truth. The next Duke Modreo should be you, Crescent Modreo.”
Yes, those were the words he longed to hear. The words he craved, spoken by the person who offered them. The thrill of hearing his deepest desire voiced aloud sent a shiver down his spine. He willingly moved his feet, walking towards her.
“Here they are, Your Highness.” Seated across from Arlenrose, Crescent presented her with the stack of documents and the box. Her hand trembled slightly as she took them, but the tremor subsided before he could notice. Finally, her objective was within reach. Arlenrose released a long, quiet breath.
“If I show you this, you’ll help me apprehend Diabolus?” The anxious man sought reassurance once more. Arlenrose smiled elegantly and replied in a clear voice, “Of course, Crescent.”
Only then did Crescent’s restless gaze settle, a smile mirroring hers. He nodded, his expression full of trust. Even so, she knew the moment this was over, his anxiety would return, and he would seek further confirmation. She would simply reassure him again when the time came. For now, Arlenrose focused on the evidence in her hands.
Arlenrose had contacted Crescent the day after the royal ball. She had considered him a potential pawn since hearing of his arrival, and after the incident at the ball, she was certain. Those consumed by insecurity and a thirst for recognition were easy to manipulate.
Arlenrose contacted Crescent before Enrique could ban him from the palace. Upon hearing the news from Arlenrose, Crescent flew into a rage. To prevent the ban, he was willing to do anything. Arlenrose advised him, and he took the drastic step of filing a lawsuit. It hadn’t been easy getting him to that point.
Crescent hesitated to sue his own brother. Not out of guilt, but fear of worsening the situation. He was terrified of further damaging his reputation and incurring the Crown Prince’s wrath. For someone as indecisive and timid as Crescent, it was a bold move.
Arlenrose handled him expertly. She warned him that a ban from the palace would ruin his chances of becoming the next Duke, then soothed him with assurances of his capabilities. Crucially, she validated his claim to the dukedom.
As she suspected, manipulating someone consumed by insecurity and a thirst for recognition was remarkably easy. Their desires were transparent. Arlenrose wasn’t without guilt for using Crescent Modreo, and even more so for orchestrating Camin’s lawsuit.
Yet, she didn’t hesitate. When weighed against the revolution, her personal guilt was insignificant. Nothing could supersede the greater cause, not even her love. And so, it was finally in her hands. Arlenrose gazed at the small box containing the evidence, holding her breath.
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