I Grabbed the Tyrant’s Heart - Chapter 177
Just as I stepped back, a sharp noise sliced through the air.
Soon after, a couple more circles similar to the first appeared.
Instead of a charming fairy stepping through what could have been portals, we were confronted by grotesque, dark monsters. The smallest was about half my height, but the largest towered twice my size, their claws and teeth promising lethal force.
“Weathering, can you teleport?”
“Yes, but I can’t take anyone with me.”
Weathering quickly understood what I wanted to say. It seemed unrealistic for him to escort the researchers to safety.
“Can you not stay calm in such moments?”
“Would you prefer I panic? Waaahh, monsters!”
“….Just stay back and don’t say anything.”
“What do you mean? As one of only three high-ranking wizards in the Northern Empire, I can’t just stand by.”
Weathering was confident.
“Teleportation wasn’t an advanced wizard’s only skill.”
When he said so, one monster lunged forward, swiping its leg towards Weathering and I.
The dangerous sound passed by but nothing was caught by the monster’s claws. I evaded its attack, my quick reflexes pulling Weathering back by the neck.
“What are you doing? Stay quiet. I grabbed you roughly because it’s an emergency, so don’t complain.”
“As if I was going to. I was about to thank you for saving me.”
Despite his sarcastic tone, Weathering stepped back, letting me take the lead. The monster howled in frustration after missing its target and stamped the ground, but it was hardly intimidating.
It’s slow.
Compared to Tess or Ber, these attacks felt as slow as a snail’s crawl. The movements were too broad and the murderous intent too obvious, making their actions easily predictable.
I drew the sword that I had originally prepared. Tess had given it to me for my birthday.
“That sword looks ominous.”
Ruby flinched away, but I simply smiled. Interestingly, the monsters hesitated, seemingly recognizing the sword.
“Do you recognize what this is?”
A sword imbued with the devil contractor’s magic. Could they sense the owner’s energy in it too?
Thinking of Tess made me smile. Yes, I definitely need to return to Alin. I can explore the Count’s estate again until I’m with Tess again.
“Guards, please protect the researchers.”
“We’ll take the lead.”
“Is there anyone here who can best His Majesty?”
The ensuing silence had me suppressing a laugh.
“If not, everyone please move as far back as possible.”
“But Lady Hardland, we are here to protect you. Isn’t this your first time facing such creatures?”
It seemed they had been well instructed by Tess. The knights insisted they must protect me, and the creatures, hesitating at the sight of the black blade, seemed poised to attack again.
A lion-like monster slammed its tail against the ground, creating a dent.
Eventually, we reached a compromise.
“Half of you will deal with the monsters, and the other half will protect the researchers. Ruby, please keep an eye on our surroundings while Weathering casts his magic. Weathering, please support.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“Good, Tolby. Please assist Ruby if you can.”
Unlike Tolby, who seemed unfazed by the monsters, Ruby appeared to be trembling. It wasn’t out of fear, but rather it seemed the elven blood within her was reacting adversely to the creatures.
Tolby moved to where Ruby and Weathering were stationed, and the imperial knights had also sorted their roles.
A tense moment loomed.
The monsters’ eyes gleamed, ready to pounce at anything that could be the starting point.
The portal through which the monsters had emerged closed, leaving them only one path.
To the land of the dead.
I stepped forward holding the darkened longsword.
Being called a child of light, I felt no instinctive repulsion at the sight of monsters. My distaste stemmed from their grotesque appearance and foul stench.
Would I have felt differently about them if they were clean and smelled nice, despite being a monster?
As I shook my head to dismiss such idle thoughts, they took it as a signal to move. The nearest monster charged with its mouth wide open.
I ducked slightly and moved inside the larger creature’s reach. I kicked its unprotected belly. The heavy bulk flew away lightly, in stark contrast to the dull sensation under my foot.
It crashed, squashing a smaller monster beneath its weight.
Another large monster got riled up and charged at me.
The monster that had lost a limb to me screamed in agony, blue blood spewing from the severed limb. Unlike the red blood of bipedal races like humans, elves, and dwarves.
As I slashed the necks of two charging monsters, the monsters momentarily paused.
The remaining monsters were roughly around thirty.
Including me, Ruby, Tolby, ten imperial knights, and two guards brought by Ruby, we matched about half of the monsters in number.
While Ruby and Tolby protected Weathering, and Weathering safeguarded the researchers, tackling the larger monsters required two or three of us, and those of similar size were a one-on-one match, leading to a strain on our forces.
My only option was to eliminate them swiftly.
The monster that had been unhesitant to kill its own kind, charged at me once more. It would have been preferable if they attacked each other, but it seemed there was an order to their madness, targeting me and my companions first.
A larger and a smaller monster attacked simultaneously. Before they could sink their teeth into me, I propelled myself off the ground, leaping into the air.
“Right here, you fools.”
Jumping down from the fifth floor of the palace and landing unscathed meant I could also leap just as high.
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