A Kind Goblin's Bird - Chapter 1
The capital of the Sun Dynasty, Yangan. Since it is a port city with over a million inhabitants, hundreds of ships come and go every day, and people from dozens of countries cross it. The city built by the former dynasty’s Emperor was beautiful with wide roads and lush street trees.
The open atmosphere peculiar to the Sun Dynasty led to a revival of culture. In Yangan, women dressed as men and men also enjoyed splendid decorations, and Yangan became a luxurious city and was always crowded.
However, on that day when the misty rain fell, the atmosphere on Yangan was a little different. Even in the most important market of Yangan, pedestrians were not even the usual half. Women, children, and the elderly did not go outside, and even strong men glanced at the sky several times.
It’s a bad day. People chatted. They don’t feel good on a day like this. A man running a cloth shop folded his arms. There are few customers, and it is unfavorable for customers to come in such weather.
A day that seems like an uninvited visitor. The merchants looked up at the sky anxiously, hoping for it to clear up.
“…… The Governor is putting this small man in trouble.”
And here, there was a man who was met by an uninvited visitor to suit the day.
Song Geun-ryang. He is the owner of the largest pharmacy in the city. Song Geun-Ryang was a man who was so resourceful that it was said that the medicinal herbs that he cannot obtain can only be found in the Imperial Palace.
With a body that is neither fat nor thin, and puffy eyes, he read the letter of recommendation twice in a row and smiled bitterly as he narrowed his eyebrows.
The man standing in front of Song Geun-ryang was a young man who seemed to be in his twenties now. He has a sturdy body that will attract the attention of the gisaengs when he goes to the South Honam area.
He probably learned to do martial arts. He looks like a white-faced warrior wearing a white coat, but there are seven masked warriors standing behind him. The men who covered themselves in black from their head to toe, only had their eyes exposed. But their gazes were terrifying.
What kind of house was this noble young master who brought these escorts with him and brought a letter of recommendation from the Governor? Song Geun-ryang clicked his tongue inside.
He can’t help it. He has no choice but to give this man what he wants and get him out quickly.
Song Geun-ryang glanced at the servant standing in the distance, and led the man, “This way.” Then the servant noticed and quickly took over on behalf of Song Geun-ryang.
After confirming that the servant was going, Song Geun-ryang opened a small door to the main house for the man.
“I’m sorry for the shabbiness.”
The man didn’t say anything or even say if that was okay. Instead, he muttered a little, “I’m tired.” He looked like he wanted to sleep soon.
Each servant and maid they met while passing through the corridor gave a polite greeting to Song Geun-ryang and his guest. Neither Song Geun-ryang nor the guest gave a glance at the servants’ greetings.
The guest walked behind Song Geun-ryang silently as he looked at the garden in the silent misty rain. Song Geun-ryang suddenly was at a loss. Eight men were following behind him, but he couldn’t hear any footsteps. How great masters are they all?
They must be sword masters.
Song Geun-ryang guided the man and his escorts to the guest room of the annex.
While the maids who quickly ran to prepare for the guest’s bed, such as laying the sheet, Song Geun-ryang sat across the tea table.
Seeing that Deok-i, an employee who he had taught work for a long time, sent chrysanthemum tea, it seemed that to Deok-i’s eyes this guest looked respectable.
“Guest. Where and how did you hear the story?”
As Song Geun-ryang handed over a tea that he had to pay the weight of the tea leaf in gold, the man emptied the tea cup at once and replied.
“Nothing to know.”
“Guest, I haven’t asked where or who the guest is. On this ominous day, the guest came with a letter of recommendation from the Governor, who is from a distant place. So I would like to do my best for you. So, why don’t you keep your courtesy as a guest too?”
The man threw the teacup straight away.
The teacup crashed against the wall and broke with a sound. Eekk, while the maids forcibly swallowed their scream, Song Geun-ryang also flinched and pulled his body back a little.
Perhaps, he shouldn’t have said that.
Song Geun-ryang swallowed a gulp. While his neck was trembling, the man only stared at Song Geun-ryang with his arms folded.